Scientifics Direct had the pleasure of sponsoring the 2nd annual Member Appreciation Night at the Buffalo Museum of Science last night. We were able to find a little bit of time to go walk around the museum for ourselves and we highly recommend you do the same. Here are just some of the awesome exhibits we got to explore!
Rethink Extinct Exhibit
With a dinosaur fanatic at the helm of our tour, the obvious first stop was the Rethink Extinct exhibit. This exhibit takes you on a walk through the Paleozoic Era to modern-day specimens that are endangered and on the verge of becoming extinct.
BioDiversity Exhibit
This Exhibit highlights the importance and beauty of Biodiversity in the vast ecosystems throughout the world right down to the smallest variety in DNA makeups.
Artifacts Exhibit
An anthropological look at artifacts ranging from eating utensils to musical instruments. The use of multiple touchscreens provide in-depth descriptions of the artifacts on display from many different cultures.
In Motion Exhibit
The In Motion Exhibit provides a fun, creative look at the basics of physics, mechanical motion, and engineering. As shown above, one of our team members was baffled by the basics of erosion and the destructive forces of earthquakes!
Our Marvelous Earth
Ever wanted to do your own Weather Forecast? Thanks to the local Channel 2 team, our team got to host our very own weather forecasts and email them to yourself, no matter how embarrassing they might turn out!
Our Place in Space
Of course, we had to check out the Space Exhibit and bring our Astroscan along for a visit. Although this exhibit is only partially complete (with a restored observatory coming soon) this exhibit provided a great look at star formation, the origins of meteorites, and what we can learn from the electromagnetic spectrum.
Go see it all for yourselves!
A big thank you to both the Buffalo Museum of Science and the Buffalo Astronomical Association for allowing us to sponsor this great event! Do yourselves and your communities a favor and get out and see what your local museum has to offer!