Finally: A Perfect Perseid Meteor Shower!

One of the year’s best-known and most reliable annual displays of “shooting stars” is the famed Perseid Meteor Shower which peaks every August. But so often the presence of the Moon in the sky interferes with its visibility. But not so this time!

This year’s display will get underway around 11 p.m. local time on the evening of August 12th and continue into the morning hours of August 13th. The Moon will be just past new on the 12th, its pencil-thin crescent setting shortly after sunset and guaranteeing observers a totally dark sky the entire night. The shower is expected to produce as many as 80 to 100 “shooting stars” an hour at its peak as seen from a dark sky location, with about half as many visible from urban areas. The number of meteors will increase steadily throughout this period since the radiant—that point from which the meteors appear to radiate toward us—continues to rise ever higher in the sky as the night progresses. It’s located in the constellation Perseus, situated very low in the northeast after darkness falls on the evening of the 12th. Using your Scientifics Star and Planet Locator to first identify it, notice how it rises higher and higher by setting the star-disk to later and later hours, being nearly overhead by the time dawn approaches. This year maximum activity falls between midnight and sunrise on the 13th, with the number of meteors seen continuing to steadily increase until the sky brightens and ends the show.

There’s yet another and largely unsuspected factor at play in this and all meteor showers.
During the evening hours we’re on the side of our spinning Spaceship Earth that’s essentially facing away from the direction the meteors are approaching, and so they have to “catch up” with us. But after midnight we’re turned completely toward the direction of the radiant, causing them to slam into the atmosphere at much higher speeds—resulting in many more being seen and those that are seen being brighter. So losing some sleep to stay up late watching meteors (or setting the alarm clock and getting up in the hours after midnight) is always worth doing.

For optimum coverage in observing meteor showers, face toward the radiant while at the same time concentrating your attention on the sky overhead, preferably reclining comfortably on a lawn chair or heavy blanket and pillow. And while this is basically a naked-eye activity since it’s important to canvass as large an area of sky as possible, using your Scientifics’ binoculars is also encouraged for following the trails or “trains” often left behind by many of the brighter meteors. For an added thrill, point them at the radiant itself—you may be lucky enough to see a few meteors coming directly at you, suddenly appearing from out of nowhere as brightening stars!

— James Mullaney
Former assistant editor at Sky & Telescope magazine & author of nine books on stargazing. His latest, Celebrating the Universe!, is available from